Take Your Concepts on a Test Run

Use automation and advanced method research to quickly understand how consumers might react to your new idea before committing extensive time and resources.


Use automated concept research to:

Inform concept development

What do consumers think about potential products you're developing? 

Concept testing in new product development helps to refine your concepts, make adjustments, and re-test your concept ideas before committing valuable resources.


Understand concept usage

How will consumers use your concepts? 

Ask concept testing questions to learn how consumers will use your products; this information can guide the development of features, flavors, packaging types, and other aspects of your product that relate to how consumers are using it.


Tailor packaging concepts

What do consumers think about your packaging concept? 

Use online concept testing to identify which colors, logo designs, materials, and other packaging aspects consumers gravitate toward. 


Price out your concepts

What do consumers think of the proposed pricing for your concepts? 

Use concept testing methods to uncover pricing perceptions - such as what prices consumers consider too cheap or too expensive, or how much price impacts consumers' purchasing decisions. 


Automated advanced methods for a concept study: 

Choice-based Conjoint

As consumers make tradeoff decisions between concepts, automated analysis uncovers which specific concepts or concept features are most impactful.
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Consumers will make tradeoffs between their most/least influential concept features to help brands build their final concept.
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A/B Test

Use an A/B test to compare two concept ideas before finalizing one to proceed with in the market.
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"[quantilope] accompanied us from the first rough idea to the marketable product. Therefore, the product development was goal-oriented and much faster than we expected. We had the results for each step after 1-2 days.”

-Ole Strohschnieder, Founder and CMO of Just Spices

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Concept projects with quantilope

  • Leverage quantilope as a concept testing platform to make faster decisions through market research automation

  • Gain concept validation with high-quality, advanced method findings

  • Use data-backed insights to make better-informed concept decisions

  • Lean on support from quantilope’s classically-trained research consulting team


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