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Automated Net Promoter Score (NPS®)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS®) is a business KPI that provides insights into general customer satisfaction by directly measuring how likely a company, product, or service is to be recommended.

quantilope's NPS method is fully automated, allowing platform users to drag and drop the method into their survey in seconds and watch results in real-time. 


Benefits of automated NPS®


Simple application with just one rating scale question


Allows for benchmarking through a standardized metric


Serves as a strong indicator of business growth 

Applications of quantilope's automated (NPS®) research questions: 

Is my brand’s NPS® positive?


More than 50% of users are already loyal to the brand (promoters), another 19% gave the third-highest value for likelihood to recommend, which indicates the potential for improvement.

How does my NPS® change over time and compare to my competition?


The analysis in the competitive environment shows that in wave 2, the likelihood to recommend Lindt was significantly higher compared to the other brands. In wave 3, all brands have a similar NPS®.

Request an automated NPS® demo