quantilope & PBS: Real-Time Insights for a Changing Media Landscape

(String: https://www.quantilope.com/hubfs/PBS%20Blog%20Cover.png)
PBS case study media

In this client success story, learn how PBS leveraged quantilope's platform for real-time insights into the ever-changing media landscape.


Despite the continuous rise in the popularity of streaming services, linear cable programming is far from dead. In light of this, the Business Intelligence team at PBS knew they needed a way to understand their audiences on multiple viewing platforms. They came to quantilope with their Digital vs. Linear Profiling project to capture a better understanding of audience preferences and their awareness of PBS services. 

The PBS team used the insights from the study to tailor future business decisions around a newly identified group of viewers: 



"Results from this study have helped to advise marketing strategy and have a better understanding of which parts of our audience we need to target more closely.”

-Dylan Rose, Sr. Manager, Business Intelligence at PBS



Access the full case study below to learn more about how PBS leveraged quantilope's Consumer Intelligence Platform to cut out manual point solutions, spend more time on strategic communications, and reach a new audience of viewers.  

Access the full case study!



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