Drum Roll Please...It's Almost Time for Demo Fest!

(String: https://www.quantilope.com/hubfs/Demo%20Fest_new.png)
quantilope demo fest
What's better than one demo? How about THREE?
Introducing quantilope's first-ever Demo Fest! A three-part webinar on November 29th, featuring demonstrations of quantilope's leading methods on our Insights Automation platform.

There's no opening act, it's all headliners here - with our rockstar team of solutions consultants presenting some of our greatest hits!
Register for one, two, or all three sessions - whichever you choose:

  • Session 1: Insights Automation 10 am ET / 3 pm GMT
    Learn how quantilope's Insights Automation makes advanced research easy. We're talking automated MaxDiffs, Conjoints, and TURFs- with automated data cleaning, statistical testing, data analysis, data visualization, and more.
    Click HERE to register for session 1.

  • Session 2: Automated Tracking 11 am ET / 4 pm GMT
    Innovations in automation now make tracking research easy, fast, and flexible. Learn how you can set up your own tracking research project to instantly launch & analyze new waves with just a click of a button.
    Click HERE to register for session 2.
  • Session 3: Automated Implicit Research 12 pm ET / 5 pm GMT
    Want to know what your customers are really thinking? Learn how brands can tap into consumers' subconscious through implicit research, and how implicit research is easily implemented through an automated approach.
    Click HERE to register for session 3.
We look forward to seeing you at Demo Fest on Tuesday, November 29th! Recordings will be available for those who can't attend live. 

Get in touch before the event!



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