How to set up, launch, and analyze implicit research in 1 - 3 days


Watch now: quantilope's presentation from TMRE's Summer Digital Week discussing how to set up, launch, and analyze implicit research in 1 - 3 days.


Presentation: how to set up, launch, and analyze implicit research in 1 - 3 days.

Based on neuroscience research, implicit tests are used to uncover subconscious associations towards categories, brands or products. Implicit association tests measure the unconscious forces that drive consumer decision making providing a deeper level of insights to inform brand strategies.


In this session, quantilope will present an automated solution to easily set up, launch, and analyze implicit research in 1 - 3 days. The solution will be presented through the lens of original implicit research on the Fast Food industry examining the different characteristics, occasions, and motivations that consumers subconsciously associate with leading fast-food brands. The study features brands including Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, Subway, Taco Bell, Chipotle, and Domino’s and more.



Access the full length Fast Food Insights Dashboard now!



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