Learn How to Automate Your Research Process at Quantilope’s Demo Day

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Join quantilope for a detailed walk-through of the capabilities and features of our automated advanced research platform.

Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM EST

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Viewers will leave with an understanding for how you can automate your advanced research projects (we're talking Conjoint, TURF, Implicit Association Tests and more) in just 1 - 5 business days, including intuitive set-ups, instant data cuts, automatic significance testing and automatic data visualizations.



Hosted by: Dr. Beatrice Capestany                Untitled design

Senior Solutions Consultant at quantilope


Beatrice Capestany is a Senior Solutions Consultant at quantilope with an expertise in advanced quantitative research methodologies. Prior to joining quantilope, Beatrice earned a PhD in Psychology & Neuroscience from Duke University studying human behavior with an emphasis on learning how and why people make the decisions they do. Beatrice now spends her time working with Insights Leaders at global brands helping them to enhance the quality and efficiency of their work through research technology while guiding them on the research solutions for their unique business needs.


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