How to Buy Research Technology in 2023

how to buy market research technology in 2022

Budgeting can be hard. Learn how to make it easier by adopting a research technology for your insights department in 2023.


Each year, businesses take a look at their current roadmap and reassess/adapt to what’s going on in the market. This is even more true as we near the end of 2022. From internal budget cuts to shifting consumer needs, high inflation alongside a rocky economy has created an incredibly complex time for brands.

For insights professionals in particular, this means fundamentally shifting your approach to market research - shifting away from full-service agencies and towards automated technology.

More specifically, doing more, with less. 


To prepare your insights function for the year ahead, download quantilope's guide to buying research technology in 2023 to learn the four metrics that you should review when buying a new market research technology or when evaluating your current research partners.

Download How to Buy Research Technology in 2023!



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