Consumer NOW Index Shows a Dichotomy Between Male and Female Well-Being


quantilope’s Consumer NOW Index surveys 400 US consumers monthly, with the insights reported on a quarterly basis. Our latest report, which can be downloaded below, captures consumer insights from July, August, and September 2020 (Q3). 


Last quarter’s data highlights how gender has significantly shaped the varying experiences of consumers over the past few months. According to our study, females’ well-being scores (an aggregate score of satisfaction in life, balance in life, and future outlook) were significantly lower than that of males (46% vs. 64%, respectively). Further, the specific feelings between males and females differed as well. Men reported feeling significantly more calm (84%), relaxed (82%), happy (78%), glad (73%), pleased (73%), and at ease (73%) than women. Meanwhile, women reported feeling significantly more distressed (40%).




These findings align with several recent studies pointing to the toll the pandemic has taken on working mothers in particular. Prior to the pandemic, working mothers have already felt the weight of proving themselves in a professional setting while juggling full time careers, childcare, and household upkeep. Now, as many have approached the added role of ‘teacher’, it’s safe to assume the balance has become even harder to manage. 


As we wrap up the end of the year, we are eager to see how these insights may shift in our next quarterly report. Will women experience some relief as flexible hours and zoom call interruptions become more of the norm?  


Our full Q3 report can be downloaded in the link below, and our next report with insights from Q4 will be available in January. 

Download the full report now!



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