Insights Report 2021 - How MRX Industry Experts See the Future

@metamorworks, AdobeStock

What moves Germany's insights industry? What is shaping the future of market research? Which topics are most important for successful insights management? A study by quantilope provides well-founded insights on how experts see the future of the industry.

The Insights Report 2021 is based on a quantilope study conducted between December 2020 and January 2021, with findings from more than 120 contributing insights and marketing managers (representing varying ages, genders, professional levels, and company sizes). These respondents all regularly work with insights - planning, commissioning, or conducting market research projects themselves. 61 percent work on the client-side of the industry (e.g., in-house market research or marketing departments), around 40 percent work for a market research service provider (e.g., market research institute, agency, or consultancy). 


This report focuses on the latest topics in the insights industry: What inspires insights managers, marketers, and market researchers, and where do they see the industry going? More specifically, the report covers top trends for insights success, main challenges to overcome, strongest methodologies to leverage, and how the role of technology, artificial intelligence, and automation will play a role in the future. Below is a summary of what to find in the report. 

The Insights Report 2021 covers the following topics:

  • Most frequent research questions & methods
  • Most important criteria for insights 
  • Current trends & the future of market research
  • Current mood & biggest challenges
  • Capacities & time management
  • Agility
  • Main information resources 

All results were captured through quantilope's Agile Insights Software, using automated, advanced methods (e.g., Maximum Difference Scaling, Key Driver Analysis,  and Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency (TURF)). 

Get the full Insights Report 2021!



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