These Are the Top 3 Advertising Claims for Retailers Going Back to School


Using a MaxDiff, we measured the preference towards 15 advertising claims to help brands identify the right messaging for their Back to School campaigns.


The claims that resonated the most with consumers focused on both efficiency and cost-savings i.e. “Everything you need-for less” and "Everything you need, all in one place.” The third top performing claims was "Set Your Kids up for Success," which links directly back to the implicit research we discussed last week that revealed ‘success’ as a top association parents have with Back to School. 

MaxDiff Measurement of 15 Back to School Advertising Claims


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Despite on-going concerns around COVID-19 and spending time in public places, quantilope’s Back to School study found that many consumers still expect to do a substantial amount of their Back to School shopping in-store. Across retailers, nearly 90% of shoppers anticipate shopping in-store or equally in-store & online versus shopping exclusively online for their back to school items in fall 2020.


Share of In-Store vs. Online Shopping for Major Back to School Retailers in 2020

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In the 2019 season, parents reported spending the most on clothing in their Back to School Shopping. This year, they expect to shop the most at stores like Target, Walmart, and Kohls. 


The full insights dashboard including a deep dive into the MaxDiff results, how consumers anticipate they will conduct their Back to School shopping in 2020, and insights into what consumer's subconsciously associate with Back to School is available below. 

Access the full Insights Dashboard now!



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