The quantilope Academy: Implicit Methods Certification Course

quantilop academy implicit methods course

Did you know that a significant portion of your consumers' decisions are made as a result of their subconscious associations? Tap into this hidden realm and enhance your business strategies with quantilope Academy’s Implicit Methods Certification Course.


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Throughout this course, join us on a transformative journey as we explore the power of implicit research. Unlike traditional research approaches, implicit research has the remarkable ability to capture the underlying, subconscious associations that consumers have toward brands, products, and categories. Respondents’ answers are weighted based on their response times to reflect true gut reactions. 


Upon completing this course, you'll know what implicit research is, how it works, and its numerous advantages. The course guides you through two powerful implicit methodologies: Single Implicit Association Testing (SIAT) and Multi Implicit Association Testing (MIAT). Through hands-on experience, you’ll gain confidence in setting up each type of implicit research survey and leveraging a variety of implicit charts for analysis.


Beyond providing newfound confidence in running implicit research studies, this Academy course will highlight different strategies on how to effectively utilize implicit outputs to make actionable, strategic business decisions. As with other quantilope Academy courses, show off your new implicit research skills with this course’s well-deserved Certificate which you can share with your network via LinkedIn. 


Are you ready to embark on this exciting learning journey and unlock the potential of implicit research? Let's get started! The Academy is reserved for quantilope clients, however, we encourage non-clients to get in touch below to learn more. 

Register for the Academy!



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