quantilope Academy Is Now Open to the Broader Insights Community!

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quantilope academy non client access

Ready to elevate your market research skills and learn about new methodologies? Master advanced research techniques with the quantilope Academy – now open for non-clients!


Dive into a wealth of video-guided courses, interactive exercises, and real-world examples to fuel your expertise in the market research space. Academy courses include everything from the basic essentials (survey creation, data collection, etc.) to advanced method courses (e.g. TURF, Implicit, MaxDiff).

No prior quantilope platform experience is needed to benefit from the Academy's courses and certifications – and the Academy is just as much for seasoned research experts as it is for those on the first day of a job. Master course skills on your own time and earn valuable certifications that showcase your enhanced knowledge and expertise. Certification courses are designed to propel you to the next level of your professional journey -  like our recently-launched Automated Tracking Certification Course which empowers researchers to become certified tracking experts.


Why we're so excited about this launch:

  • Democratizing advanced market research:

    We're passionate about making cutting-edge market research techniques accessible to everyone. Why settle for ‘good enough’ insights when you can learn to leverage advanced methods that offer trust and clarity in your insights? Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, the quantilope Academy empowers you to transform your insights and fuel your professional growth.
  • Expertise at your fingertips:

    Learn from market research pros! All Academy courses are developed in-house by our Senior Learning Experience Designer, in collaboration with our team of certified research experts covering automation, advanced methods, and best practices – all designed to help you get the most out of your research.
  • Designed for success:

    Say goodbye to dull training sessions and generic presentations! You won’t find that in the quantilope Academy. Academy content is dynamic, engaging, and easy to digest, so you'll look forward to learning something new. 
  • The gift that keeps on giving:

    We're constantly adding new courses and certifications to the Academy. Consider this your always-on resource to foster ongoing consumer intelligence. 

Ready to unleash your full market research potential? Sign up for the quantilope Academy today and start unlocking advanced insights. And be sure to share your certifications on LinkedIn to showcase your newfound expertise - we want to celebrate with you! 

Get in touch to learn more about the quantilope Academy!



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