Out With 2021, in With quantilope's Brand New Consumer NOW Index

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Since early 2020, quantilope recognized the value in tracking consumer behaviors and sentiments and thus launched our Consumer NOW Index tracking study. 


What is the Consumer NOW Index? 

Since July 2020, we've been keeping tabs on how satisfied consumers are feeling at the moment, how 'balanced' they feel in their lives, and how optimistic they are for their future. We bundled up these sentiment scores into our proprietary metric: the Consumer Well-Being score, which we continue to track to this day. 


In addition to Consumer Well-Being, this study has been tracking all sorts of other consumer metrics such as priorities in life, spending categories, engaged activities, and more. All this information is captured on a monthly basis, with each month's wave of data automatically added to our live, interactive dashboard which brands can tap into at any moment for guidance on their own objectives or strategies. 


What's new in 2022? 

In July 2021, we realized the study was due for some updated insight categories to keep an even fresher and more relevant pulse on consumers' rapidly changing attitudes and behaviors. Knowing the value of tracking data, we preserved our Consumer Well-Being metric since the study's inception but revamped the remaining insights categories to be centered around the following topics: shopping behaviors, social media, personal financial tools, travel, food & nutrition, and current work environments. 


Not only are these new insight categories beneficial to brand leaders working in those industries, but brands across all sectors can leverage the new quantilope Consumer NOW Index dashboard for a constant and reliable pulse on consumer sentiment. 


In addition to the new dashboard linked above, download our 2021 end-of-year report summarizing the findings from these new insights categories over the past six months, and stay tuned for our mid-year 2022 report this summer! 

Download the CNI 2021 End-of-Year Report:



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