Continuously improve products and services
What product or service changes would improve satisfaction?
Use consumer feedback from your satisfaction tracking survey to tweak existing products or services and solve unmet wants or needs.

Develop all new products or services based on changing trends over time
What new products or services would improve satisfaction?
For unmet consumer needs that can’t be solved with tweaks to existing products, use your customer satisfaction tracking insights to fuel new products or services that do.

Consistently streamline business focus
Which areas of our business are leaving consumers most satisfied?
Client satisfaction tracking can help brands narrow their focus on the products or service lines that matter most to consumers, and scale back on areas that don’t.

Learn about real-time pain points
What's causing consumers' decline in satisfaction?
Satisfaction and loyalty tracking lets you know what's frustrating your consumers, what they might be dissatisfied about, and how you can make changes to bring satisfaction back on track.

Satisfaction tracking projects with quantilope

Make important decisions faster through automated customer satisfaction tracking

Unlock new consumer satisfaction insights with high-quality research findings (like your customer or product satisfaction score)

Make better-informed decisions with various methods of tracking customer satisfaction

Lean on support from quantilope’s classically-trained research consultant team
"Our tracker enables our team to build deep consumer empathy, to understand what’s motivating consumers, and see how that’s evolving over time."
- Abbey Hubregsen, Sr. Consumer Insights Manager at Kraft Heinz
Request an automated Satisfaction Tracking demo now!