Research teams can receive an ROI of 319% with quantilope's Insights Automation platform
Are you ready to transform your research process? Learn how organizations can save significant amounts of time and money while increasing the quality and output of their consumer research projects.
According to the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study commissioned by quantilope, organizations using quantilope’s Insights Automation platform can receive an ROI of 319% over 3 years, and $2.7M in net benefits with payback in less than 3 months for their market research budgets.
The study's findings also include an overview of unquantifiable benefits quantilope provides including the quality & flexibility of research methodologies, speed of insights projects, support from quantilope's certified research consultants, and more.

“I saved two-thirds of my budget moving projects in-house with quantilope. I now have $1 million to use on other priorities.” - Consumer Insights Manager, quantilope TEI study
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