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Closer to the Consumer: A Year in Review

quantilope's most unexpected findings from our advanced, syndicated customer insights studies in 2019.

Jan 29, 2024

Earlier this year, we introduced quantilope’s “Closer to the Consumer" blog series. Our goal was to build a series of advanced, syndicated customer insight studies focused on market trends and changing consumer behavior patterns. The result was 10 original studies focused on consumer perception, usage, preferences, and subconscious associations to range of topics including streaming services, ride-sharing, alcohol, finance apps, DTC mattresses, social media advertising, and Beyond Meat.


Below, we summarize our most unexpected findings, hoping that our work has been helpful in bringing you closer to your consumers.


- While DTC brands are known as digital natives, the majority gain the most attention from TV and radio campaigns. Over 50% of consumers recall learning about Casper Mattress through TV/radio compared to just 20% through social media channels.


- Only 29% of consumers would ‘definitely consider’ opening a debit card through a finance app. The top reasons why not? Trust concerns and “I already have enough cards, I don’t need any more.”


-Beyond Meat stole news headlines in 2019 with its rapid growth and customer appeal. However, the brand failed to take the top ranks in the meat-alternative category. MorningStar Farms had the highest brand awareness (65%) and consideration (54%) among our sample of 18 - 69-year-olds. Beyond Meat’s brand awareness fell short at 39%.


- YouTube is the most popular social media app among users aged 18-29. Seventy-two percent report using the video-sharing platform daily, compared to only 47 percent for Facebook.


- Streaming music is by far the most popular use of smart speakers with 82% of respondents report doing so compared to just 17% who use smart speakers for shopping.


- Eighty-one percent of dating app users would consider going out with someone who DM'd them on social media.


- Both cognac and whiskey earn high associations towards the motivation of ‘gift-giving’ but tequila remains the top alcohol choice for ‘letting loose’ with an IAS nearly 20% higher than any other alcohol type.


Come back in 2020 when we release our next research on the implicit associations towards sneaker brands, reveal a MaxDiff on the most important vehicle features when buying a car, and much more.

Get in touch to learn more

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